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Seventh Year Rae Floy

Name Rae Floy

Position Student Body President

Second Position Prefect

Rank Seventh Year

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 17
Wand Willow and Thunderbird Tail Feather
Secondary Roles

Physical Appearance

Hair Color
Eye Color
Physical Description


Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Strengths & Weaknesses
Hobbies & Interests

Personal History Both of Rae's parents were heavily into the art of Transfiguration and her mother's family especially went back centuries being leading in the art. It was called a freak accident by some and by others a curse but for a reason unknown her parents while in their animal forms (as all three are animagi) became trapped in that form. Slowly over the span of a year they began to lose their identity into the animal forms completely.

Rae became obsessed with the idea of determining the cause of the incident, to save those who have been harmed by transfiguration curses, to keep anamagi safe throughout the wizarding world. Rae was taught to transform to her own animal form, a humming bird, in her early years at Ilvermorny by her grandparents.

Rae's entrance to the school saw her offered membership to three of the four houses of the school: Horned Serpent, Thunderbird, and Pukwudgie. It being quite a feat to be offered into so many houses she settled on Pukwudgie as it favors the healers.

Her wand, which chose her sorting at Ilvermorny, is a willow wand with a core of thunderbird tail feathers. The combination of healing from the wood and heightened transfiguration abilities from the core combine well for her and to potentially cast pre-emptive spells to protect her.