Castle Layout

Created by Professor Brooke Colibiri on Thu Sep 30, 2021 @ 2:12am

Castle Grounds

First Floor

Entrance Hall

As students walk through the front door of the castle, they are greeted by the entrance hall. It is a large circular room with four doors leading off of it and four wooden carvings representing the four houses. Directly across from the entrance from outside is a double set of doors that take the student to the main hallway that leads into the rest of the castle, including a courtyard. To the left of the entrance is another door that leads the student to the wand room. To the right of the entrance is another door that will lead the students down a hallway that ends at an entrance to the gardens and greenhouses.

The floor of the Entrance Hall is a dark hardwood floor. Set at the dead center of the floor is a marble circle with an iron inlaid gordian knot. The same knot is known to every student as the brooch that holds they robes closed at the neck. As the students eye's drift upward, they come upon a balcony that circles the room. This balcony is where the staff and upper level students all watch as the new first years are sorted into their houses.

Wand Room

Just off the left side of the entrance hall is a room full of wands. Stacked up all the way tot he ceiling. The wands supplied in this room come from wandmakers around North America. Here, the Professor of Magical History stands to help each young witch or wizard find the wand best suited for them. The room is big enough for roughly a handful of students to stand around while one stands in the middle of the room selecting their wand.

Grand Dinning

Second Floor

Third Floor

Fourth Floor

Fifth Floor

Snakewood Tree Tower

This tower is named based on the massive stained glass mural that takes up much of the upper levels of the tower. To those able to see past the schools magical protections, the window can be spotted from outside the school grounds.

Thunderbird Tower

Tower Three

Staff Tower

Tower Five

Tower Six

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